FBG Constitution


Footwear Biomechanics Group
A Technical Group of the International Society of Biomechanics

First Approved: July 28, 2005
Name change to FBG by email vote August 2005
Editorial changes voted on and accepted 27 June 2007
Upcoming Events
Footwear Biomechanics Symposium (http://fbs2019.footwearbiomechanics.org/)
Gotland, Sweden
International Society of Biomechanics (https://isb2019.com/)
Stockholm, Sweden

Revised Constitution approved 4 August 2013

Organization of the Constitution
Article 1: Name
Article 2: Purpose
Article 3: Membership
Article 4: Governing Boards
Article 5: Executive Board
Article 6: General Assembly
Article 7: Financial Independence

Article 1: Name
The Footwear Biomechanics Group (FBG) is a subgroup of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) with a special interest in the biomechanics of footwear.

Article 2: Purpose
2.1 The general purpose of the FBG Technical Group is to provide a forum for those interested in biomechanical aspects of clinical, athletic and other kinds of functional footwear.
2.2 The group shall encourage international contacts among scientists in the area of footwear biomechanics, promote knowledge in this area on an international level, and cooperate with related organizations.
2.3 Specific Aims and Objectives:
• To provide a forum within the ISB for those interested in the biomechanics of clinical, athletic and other types of functional footwear.
• To promote the exchange of ideas and information among members of the Technical Group and especially between clinical and athletic fields.
• To promote discussion of scientific and professional issues of interest to members.
• To encourage high quality research in footwear mechanics and the application of research to footwear design.
• To promote the exchange of ideas and information between biomechanists and those from other fields of study with interests in footwear.
• To encourage and facilitate the duplication of experiments.
• To provide opportunities for the presentation and discussion of original research in a forum of peers with similar research interests.
• To encourage the use of a common terminology.
• To encourage the exchange of information on test methods and experimental procedures and, where appropriate, to encourage agreement on the use of common methods and procedures.

Article 3: Membership
3.1 Members shall be individuals with a professional and scientific interest in footwear biomechanics. Membership in the group will be granted upon receipt of a completed application, available on the group web site.
3.2 Student members shall be full time students in an academic program related to biomechanics.

Article 4: Governing Boards
The boards of the ISB Technical Group on Footwear Biomechanics shall be:
a: The Executive Board
b: The General Assembly of Members

Article 5: Executive Board
5.1 The activities of the Technical Group shall be administered by an Executive Board consisting of a Chairperson, a Past-Chairperson, a Chairperson-elect, a Secretary-General, a Treasurer and three elected Members of which one is a Student Member. The Symposium Organiser for the next Technical Group Symposium will serve as an ad hoc nonvoting member
5.2 The elected members of the Executive Board shall serve for a maximum of three consecutive terms, each of two years duration. The student member shall serve a maximum of two two-year terms.
5.3 The Secretary-General and Treasurer are appointed by the Chairperson for a two-year term, which can be renewed by the following Chairperson.
5.4 An election of officers and members of the Executive Board shall be conducted by ballot of Group members every two years. During each election a Chairperson-Elect will be chosen and will serve in this capacity for two years before becoming the next Chairperson. The elected board member positions will be up for election during each election period, along with the Student Member position
5.5 The Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee, chaired by the Past-Chairperson, to develop a slate of candidates. Two candidates shall be nominated for the Chairperson-Elect and Student Representative posts, and the number of candidates for Members of the Board shall exceed the number of vacancies.
5.6 The results of each election shall be announced at a general meeting of the Technical Group held in conjunction with a biennial Congress of the ISB. 5.7 The Board of each Technical Group shall meet at least once every two years at the biennial meeting.
5.8 The Executive Board shall appoint all subcommittees as considered desirable.
5.9 The Executive Board shall delegate to a local committee or other appropriate body the powers necessary to organize a satellite conference to the biennial ISB Congress.
5.10 Decisions of the Board shall be made by simple majority of the board members present at the meeting, or if voting by mail or email, by simple majority of the respondents. A quorum shall consist of at least 3/4 of its members.

Article 6: General Assembly
6.1 All members of the Technical Group may attend the Group General Assembly meeting held at the biennial Footwear Biomechanics Symposium.
6.2 The meeting is presided over by the Chairperson of the Board, or in his absence, by the Chairperson-Elect, or the Secretary-General.
6.2.1 The General Assembly shall receive oral and/or written reports from the Chairperson, Secretary-General, and Symposium Chair, as well as any ad hoc from Board members.
6.3 The General Assembly shall transact any additional business as may arise.
6.10 Student and full members shall have one vote each.
6.11 For ordinary motions at meetings, except ones concerning constitutional amendments, a simple majority of eligible voters present shall rule.
6.12 Written motions to amend the Constitution shall be submitted to the Board and distributed by email ballot to all members for decision, which shall require a simple majority of all ballots returned to the SecretaryGeneral. The amended Constitution shall be approved by the ISB. Notice of the results shall be given to all members, where upon the amendment will become effective.

Article 7: Financial Independence
7.1 All FBG financial transactions are conducted independent from the ISB.